21 World-Renowned Anti-Aging & Longevity Experts Each Reveal Their
3 Most Essential Secrets to Look Younger, Feel Younger & Live Longer
Get Two Reports, “25 Powerful & Little-Known Anti-Aging and Longevity Tips and Tricks” and
“The Top 25 Products In Your Home That Cause Aging & Disease“, FREE Right Now ↓
Join those in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond taking action. Insist that
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and will not be shared.
Plus, Get Your 2 FREE Report Instantly
Though the Summit is complete, you can discover how to own it all for life when you SIGN UP ABOVE
(Plus, you’ll get your 2 free reports emailed to you right away when you do sign up!)
“My friend Brian Vaszily, a natural health veteran with over 2 decades experience and one heck of an interviewer, had a rough first half of life, to say the least. He’s turned that into a mission that’s making a big difference in the lives of those in their middle years and beyond, and an event that is sure to positively change your life.”
“We’re overwhelmed with so much health ‘information.’ Brian knows how to get the truly valuable insights that will make the biggest difference in people’s lives out of those he interviews. And with the top-caliber longevity experts in ‘Your Best Years Start Now’, this summit is going to be a life-changer.“
When you register for Your Best Years Start Now, you’ll instantly receive our free special report, “25 Toxic Home Products That Cause Early Aging & Disease.”
Your home is your sanctuary. The truth is, though, the home products you use daily may well be a source of toxins that lead to premature aging and chronic disease.
Most people are, in fact, exposed to at least 10 of these items daily.
In this free research-based report you’ll discover the essentials you need to know right away, such as:
Yes, in the Your Best Years Start Now summit, you’re going to find out THE fastest, most effective steps to look your best, feel your best, and live a long life doing it… from the world’s top doctors and researchers.
In this free research-based report you’re getting today, though, you’ll immediately discover 25 “smaller” yet very effective tips and tricks you can start doing right now, such as:
Plus, you’ll discover 20 more uncommon, interesting, and effective anti-aging and longevity tips… all yours in this must-read report you’re getting when you join the FREE Your Best Years Start Now online summit right now.
“Brian is an ace interviewer who gets experts to get to the heart of the matter. You’re definitely going to appreciate this one!”
Yes, there is a TON of confusing health information out there…
That’s why it’s time for total clarity on only the proven most effective steps that will make the fastest, most powerful difference in your life starting right now.
In the FREE Your Best Years Start Now summit, 21 of the world’s most respected anti-aging and longevity doctors and other experts are about to give you that total clarity…
Because they’re each going to reveal their answer to this one mission-critical question for you:
From your unique area of expertise, what are the 3 most essential secrets people must know to look their best,
feel their best, and live a long life doing it?
“Brian has an uncanny ability to pull the best-of-the-best out of those he interviews. And the insights he lends from his own experience are powerful in their own right. With many of the world’s top anti-aging experts in this one event, anyone lucky enough to listen is in for a true life-changing treat.“
“I love The Art of Anti-Aging’s mission because I’m living it and still turning back the clock. I can’t tell you how deeply I respect Brian Vaszily and all he’s doing with this important summit. If you want to turn back the clock like me, tune in with me!”
We live in a youth-obsessed world that pummels those in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond — especially women — with some very destructive lies about getting older.
These lies push the toxic belief that getting older EQUALS becoming increasingly undesirable, invisible, doomed to suffering and disease, and past your best years.
Just watch today’s TV shows, commercials, and movies… The 20s are portrayed as the “peak of life,” while if you’re in your 40s or beyond, “it’s all downhill from here.”
And most of the $250 billion dollar anti-aging industry, and even the drug and food industries, play deep into the fear and anxiety, bombarding you with false solutions often laced with toxic junk that can actually accelerate aging and hurt you in other ways.
We say enough is enough.
People deserve far better, especially women in their 40s and beyond who are hit the hardest.
That’s why we’re on a mission to empower you with the truth. This groundbreaking FREE online summit is the pinnacle of that mission.
You’ll discover all the little-known, cutting-edge, and proven most powerful steps to look your best, feel your best, and live a long life doing it…
From beautiful skin to a fit and healthy body… peak energy and moods to mental clarity… to the ultimate immunity against serious diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s.
Even if those mega-billion industries don’t want you to hear about it because it doesn’t mean a dime in profit for them.
Because you do deserve the truth. Your best years can, should, and will start now.
Wrinkles * Sagging Skin * Age Spots * Stubborn Fat * Bad Posture * Fatigue * Anxiety
Brain Fog * Irritability * Depression * Pain * Alzheimer’s * Heart Disease * Cancer
Dr. Dean Ornish
The 3 Most Essentials from 4 Decades as the World’s #1 Pioneer of Lifestyle Medicine
Razi Berry
3 Little-Known Best of the Best Ways to Look & Feel Great, and Live Long Doing It
How to Eat to Live Long and Live Well:
The 3 Most Proven Essentials
Dr. Trevor Cates
The 3 Big Essentials for Your Healthiest, Most Beautiful Skin (and the rest of you!)
Ocean Robbins
The 3 Golden Nutrition Secrets to Look Amazing, Feel Amazing, and Live Amazing
The 3 Mission-Critical MUSTS to Avoid (and Possibly Even Reverse) Alzheimer’s
Dr. Joel Kahn
A Crucial Test to a “New Science” Must: The 3 Essential to Live Long and Thrive
Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson
Inspiring researcher whose pioneering work has helped people shed 400,000 lbs collectively
The 3 Absolute Essentials to
Lose Even “Impossible to Lose” Weight
Jon McMahon
3 Ultimate Longevity Secrets from the Man Whose Life Was SAVED by Them
Dr. Mimi Guarneri
3 Surprising Best Healthy Aging & Longevity Secrets from a Top-Ranked Cardiologist
Dr. Eric and Sabrina Ann Zielinski
The 3 Most Effective Anti-Aging Secrets (That are Easy to Do Right Away Yourself!)
Nick Polizzi
Top Ancient & Indigenous Medicine Expert
The 3 Most Essential Healthy Aging & Longevity Secrets from Ancient & Indigenous Healing
Dr. Janet Zand
The 3 Most Important Anti-Aging & Longevity Secrets A-List Clients (and YOU) Must Know
From Breast Cancer to Healthy Eyes: The 3 Most Essentials Everyone Must Know
3 Most Powerful Healthy Aging & Longevity Secrets Culled from Cultures Across the Globe
Leading researcher and world’s #1 consumer advocate for organic, non-GMO.
3 Crucial New Insights on the Most Dangerous Foods & Products EVERYONE Must Know
World-renowned Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Taoist priest, “Urban Monk,” and hit filmmaker
The 3 Simple — and Simply Profound — Most Essentials to Look, Feel, and Live Your Best
The 3 Most Amazing Secrets for Sexual Vitality in Your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and Beyond
The 3 Most Essentials to Avoid “Old Looking” Posture &
Move Great, Look Great, and Feel Great
The Surprising BIG 3 to Prevent & Reverse Brain Decline, Including Alzheimer’s & Dementia
The 3 Most Effective Secrets to Manifest SUCCESS (and bypass what most stands in your way)
“The fountain of youth isn’t some mystical potion you’ll find in a far away land. Graceful aging is a side effect of natural living and you’ll learn all you need to know to get started in this wonderful (FREE) event. Be sure to register today and don’t miss a single talk because the secret to YOUR youthfulness may be found in any one of these expert interviews!”
For over 20 years, Brian has been immersed in health and personal development research. He’s worked closely with many top doctors and health experts, and top natural health and wellness organizations, helping many to become household names.
Earlier in his life, though, Brian faced many dark challenges.
His personal and very emotional story behind “what kept me alive, and in fact helped me thrive,” is the reason he launched this mission to:
(Right after you join us, do not miss the very next page, where Brian shares that emotional story… this will resonate deeply with you, too, especially if you’re a woman.)
After working with hundreds of doctors and other experts over two decades, Brian is now thrilled to bring you 21 of “the best of the best” for “Your Best Years Start Now”…
The anti-aging and longevity experts whose range and depth of insights will make the fastest and most profound difference in your life.
As you’ll soon see, Brian knows how to bring out the best from the experts. BEWARE, though… Brian’s also quite fond of making people laugh and smile!
With the overwhelming amount of info out there, so much of it hype, you’re going to LOVE the total clarity and empowerment with all the proven most effective steps to look your best, feel amazing, and live a long life doing it.
And here’s something else you are going to LOVE…
True anti-aging and longevity are actually the very same thing.
As you’re about to discover when you listen to these 21 interviews, the very same most powerful steps that get you the “anti-aging” results you want will also get you the longevity results you seek…
The fastest, most powerful steps for you to enjoy smooth, beautiful skin now and late into life are also the essential steps to avoid Alzheimer’s.
The fastest, most effective ways to burn even the most stubborn fat will also boost your mood and daily energy… and they are key to avoiding cancer.
That’s because your skin, your brain, your digestive system — every aspect of your body — is truly holistic.
Your body is far (FAR) smarter than any drug or cosmetic the big industries try to push on you.
And what you’re about to discover from the 21 interviews in this life-changing online summit is, in short, the ultimate empowerment for your body to ensure you thrive.
In other words, you’ll the beautiful simplicity of achieving all the most important things — to look your best, feel amazing, and live long — just by doing these most essential things you’ll learn!
Someone in the US develops Alzheimer’s every 66 seconds. About two-thirds of those with Alzheimer’s in the US are women. 50 million people worldwide have Alzheimer’s or a related form of dementia today, and that number is expected to triple by 2050. It can strike in your 30s and is increasingly prevalent from that age forward.
Wrinkles certainly impact people on an emotional level, and there are other serious ways they’re far more than just “skin deep.” Your body’s outward appearance is, after all, a billboard for your overall health. Research shows excess wrinkles on your face and neck could be a strong indicator of heightened risk for bone fractures, for example. And other research shows those with excess forehead wrinkles have a significantly higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
One-third of all women will be diagnosed with cancer. Research suggests only 5% of cancers are hereditary. That means the choices you start making today have a profound impact on your overall cancer risk.
Bad posture is not just a very common sign of “looking old.” Research shows it can cause poor circulation and varicose veins, excess fatigue, headaches and other pain, irritability and depression, and exacerbate arthritis.
One-third of the world’s population is now overweight or obese, and the numbers continue to rise. No one should be pushed to feel guilty about their weight. And no one should be pushed to feel guilty about wanting to lose weight and look fit, because being overweight is a leading contributor to early aging and early mortality, including heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and kidney disease.
Chronic pain is at epidemic levels. 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from it, such as lower back pain and neck pain, and in the U.S. it is the #1 cause of long-term disability.
Beyond wrinkles, other skin issues are extremely common in adults. For example, 32 million adults in the US alone have eczema. Nearly 16 million Americans have rosacea, while nearly 8 million have psoriasis. Many adults continue to get acne into their 30s, 40s, and 50s, and it’s most common in women.
75% of adults reported experiencing moderate to high levels of stress in the past month, and nearly half reported that their stress has increased in the past year. Stress increases the risk of heart disease 40%, the risk of heart attack 25%, and the risk of stroke 50%.
Heart disease kills 18 million people each year. It is the #1 cause of death, and the #1 cause of preventable death, in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and many other countries.
Loneliness is at epidemic levels, even amongst those married, with nearly half of all adults experiencing it today. This is no small matter, as “loneliness has an equivalent risk factor to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, shortening one’s lifespan by eight years,” according to Harvard Medical School.
It is estimated that 100,000 – 200,000 animals suffer and die for cosmetic testing each year. This is completely unnecessary, given that a range of advanced non-animal safety tests that better predict how humans will respond to the cosmetics are available.
These facts above are not meant to scare you or bring you down.
On the contrary, as you’ll soon hear, you hold tremendous power in being able to avoid and reverse them.
This is true regardless of your age or current condition. If you are alive right now, you hold the power.
And though one key profit tactic of the big cosmetic, food, and drug industries is to make it seem complicated, as if you were not holistic, as if every problem required a separate and expensive (and often dangerous) pill, ointment, or processed “designer food”…
The beautiful TRUTH is that the most effective solutions you are going to discover are simple, elegant, and cross-functional. The very same steps that will most help you look and feel your best will also help you avoid and possibly even reverse the diseases and live long and well.
Your Best Years Start Now will empower you with all these most effective solutions.
You believe that nature is far smarter than any pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or food company, or any government backing those companies
Chemicals, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs are not your cup of tea (what an awful cup of tea that would be!)
Freedom from heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia sounds like a very good plan
You know there’s got to be a more effective solution for wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots than smearing some chemical-filled cream on your face, neck, and hands
Yes, you’ll gladly welcome routinely greater energy and more upbeat moods
You care about other people, too… and animals, and our entire planet for that matter
You agree that no one should live in fear, guilt, or anxiety about getting older
You’d like a world where, when your children and grandchildren hit their “middle years” and beyond, the destructive aging myths are long gone
You don’t mind a few laughs, and maybe a few tears, along the path to profound learning
You’d like a world where, when your children and grandchildren hit their “middle years” and beyond, the destructive aging myths are long gone
You would indeed love your best years to start NOW.
As you’ll discover, I do enjoy sometimes making you laugh and smile (or trying too!) It is, after all, the best medicine — along with fresh water and green leafy vegetables.
As you’re about to see on the next page right after you join, I launched this summit and mission for very personal reasons. While it was sparked from the powerful women in my life who are the reason I’m still here today, though, these reasons impact all of us tremendously.
For the first time since the 1960s, the average life expectancy is declining in the U.S. and other “high-income” countries.
Rates of obesity, cancer, diabetes, and especially Alzheimer’s continue to rise. Anxiety and loneliness are epidemic. Our environment is being abused, from the soil our food grows in to our oceans to the air we breathe.
Please make no mistake — these are all connected. And yes, though it’s harder to quantify in numbers, all of these have a profound impact on the way you look and feel — your quality of life — right now.
The truth is, we do live in a youth-obsessed world that pushes the toxic belief that getting older EQUALS becoming increasingly undesirable, invisible, doomed to suffering and disease, and past your best years.
This toxic belief is very profitable to a range of industries. It is so destructive, though, because when people are bombarded with the constant message that they’re “supposed to” be undesirable, feel fatigued, and get sick because they’re past 40, they tend to become so.
Similarly, when people are bombarded with the constant message that prescription drugs EQUAL health care… that skin products laced with dozens of chemicals you can’t pronounce will help you look younger… that highly-processed foods are good for you… that all becomes the normal and accepted mindset, too.
Which leads me to a quote from author and visionary R. Buckminster Fuller:
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Our mission is not to fight these behemoth industries with their billions of dollars.
Our mission is to help people bypass them completely, and to be empowered with the “new model” that truly does equal the most effective steps to look your best, feel your best, and live a long life doing it.
I’ve worked with many doctors and researchers over the past 20+ years, helping many of them to become household names in the natural health and wellness world.
Out of all the possibilities, I’ve personally selected the 21 doctors and other experts in Your Best Years Start Now because of the range and depth of life-changing answers they provide.
You’re about to hear from world-renowned experts in anti-aging and longevity areas like brain health and avoiding Alzheimer’s… skin health… nutrition… heart health and avoiding diseases like cancer… emotional health… sexual/relationship health… and even healthy posture!
While people’s tendencies may be to “pick and choose,” believe me, you truly do not want to miss any of these speakers, because the unique details they each share are truly life-changing (and possibly even life-saving).
During the Your Best Years Start Now online summit, I will personally interview each speaker, challenging these world-renowned doctors and researchers to answer this one mission-critical question for you:
From your unique area of expertise, what are the 3 most essential secrets people must know right now to look their best, feel their best, and live a long life doing it?
These 21 highly focused interviews will last about 45 minutes each, and each one will be broadcast for you to hear entirely FREE throughout the summit.
No problem. There are recordings, transcripts, and many other resources available to you as part of an optional upgrade package.
Here’s the bottom line…
Whatever your age, wherever you are on your journey, and whatever you desire most — from smooth, beautiful skin to a strong and clear brain, from pain-free joints and peak energy to a fit and supple body very late into life — profoundly positive change is inevitable with what you’ll discover in Your Best Years Start Now.
And an amazing thing happens when people en masse are empowered with these life-changing answers: profoundly positive change is inevitable in our world.
So please do share this with friends and family, please do support our mission, and…
Enjoy your best years!