Over 5 million people in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s, the most common type of dementia.
It’s one of the fastest growing diseases, with the amount of cases doubling every five years for those 65 and older.
And with its rapid rise, a vast amount of mis-information has spread about Alzheimer’s, too.
With his free major online event, Alzheimer’s – The Science of Prevention, about to start on September 9, 2020…
BELOW I challenged today’s top Board Certified Neurologist — and my good friend and a wonderful human being — Dr. David Perlmutter to reveal 3 TOP Alzheimer’s myths for The Art of Anti-Aging community in under 2 minutes.
This is a doctor who is a five-time New York Times bestselling author… who has received the highest honors including the Linus Pauling Award for his innovative approaches to neurological disorders… and who has positively changed the lives of millions…
So, as you’re about to hear, revealing the 3 top Alzheimer’s myths in under 2 minutes wasn’t all that challenging for him…

It features over 20 top experts sharing the latest and most important insights on how to avoid Alzheimer’s and other dementia, and greatly improve your brain health.
ALSO NOTE that you’re getting Dr. David Perlmutter’s new guide, How to Master the PERFECT Night of Sleep in 10 Simple Steps, FREE right here, too, today.
Wish I could sleep. Last night I was up most of the night. Probably got maybe 4 hours tops!
Hi Vicky,
Please try Chemomile tea and see if your sleep improves. I love Chamomile for sleep and calmness it gives.
long live dr perlmutter and his fantastic approaches…
Its great to hear that, not long time ago and still nowadays people say that this terrible disease is not preventable, and doctors as well never say there is something you can do about it, but just they tell it to you as a death sentence without the possibility to appeal. We have to take health in our own hands without waiting for the magic pill. And health in its broad meaning, not only physical, but mental and spiritual. What will happen to us and to the future generations, if we continue to stare at a rectangular box? How can our mental capacity grow? Or our overall well being? Life should be taken more seriously and respected, starting from our self.
excelente y confortable saber que existe tratamiento para el alzheimer ya que es una esperanza para la humanidad gracias al Dr david por aclarar lo de los mitos muy favorable para los que sufren esta enfermedad y como prevenirla
Thanks for this. I admire Dr. Perlmutter’s work, particularly his book, “Grain Brain”.
However, there may be useful treatment in the form of the “Bredesen protocol” promoted by Dr. Dale Bredesen. Also, B vitamins, most of all B3, niacin, may be useful for all sort of mental illness, For details, see the work of Dr. Abram Hoffer and others.
I can
I can’t remember where I saw it, but 2-6 Tablespoonsful of coconut oil/day has a type of ingredient that helps stabilize or even reverse to some degree, Alzheimers. Try to research this. It might have said to use organic extra virgin coconut oil, which I would have done anyway.