Crucial Benefits of Vitamin B-12 + Best Plant-Based Sources

benefits of vitamin B-12 and plant based sources

Vitamin B-12 is an incredibly important nutrient for your body with many health benefits. Fatigue, mood swings, mental sluggishness, and irritability are all potential signs of being low in vitamin B12 — something which is, unfortunately, a common occurrence. Because B-12 is involved in so many functions within your body — from energy and memory … Read more

The 5 Top Benefits of Aloe Vera – A Health and Anti-Aging Natural Wonder

benefits of aloe vera

The benefits of aloe vera were once more widely known than they are today. You see, six thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians regarded aloe vera as a miracle plant. They used it in many ways, from treating burns to reducing fever. A few millennia later, Cleopatra herself used aloe in her daily skin treatments. … Read more

11 Surprising Reasons You Get Dry Skin

Reason for Dry Skin

Your skin possesses a natural protective barrier made up of a mixture of lipids and dead skin cells. When functioning optimally, this barrier helps keep moisture locked into your skin – meaning your skin stays hydrated and healthy-looking. Unfortunately, there are many ways for this natural barrier to become damaged or dysfunctional, resulting in increased … Read more

11 Top Health (and Skin) Benefits of Resveratrol

health benefits of resveratrol

Resveratrol is a powerful plant compound that many people have heard of — mostly in association with grapes and red wine. It has become well-known for promoting heart health, but you may be surprised at the number of other health-boosting benefits resveratrol has. It supports your body from the inside out (like many plant compounds … Read more

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