18 Worst Habits That Make Your Skin Look Older report cover

RIGHT NOW: Many, if not most, people today look far older than they ought to. However, the GREAT NEWS is that your skin is incredibly receptive to the right changes. Discover those proven best changes in this new report, which you are getting completely FREE when you join our popular Living Your Best Life Facebook group.

Brain Food: TOP 8 Foods to Boost Your Brain Health and Slash Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

Brain Food

Nearly 10% of adults in the United States aged 65 and older have some form of dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease being the most common. And sadly, those numbers are only expected to grow, with projections showing that dementia cases will double by 2060. That means 13 million Americans will be living with Alzheimer’s. Here’s the … Read more

The 5 Top Benefits of Aloe Vera – A Health and Anti-Aging Natural Wonder

benefits of aloe vera

The benefits of aloe vera were once more widely known than they are today. You see, six thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians regarded aloe vera as a miracle plant. They used it in many ways, from treating burns to reducing fever. A few millennia later, Cleopatra herself used aloe in her daily skin treatments. … Read more

Toxins in Tap Water: Why It’s a Health Emergency & How to Protect Yourself Now

Toxins in Tap Water

Around 70% of Americans rely on municipal tap water for their drinking water, cooking, cleaning, and making their morning pot of coffee. After all, it’s convenient and tested for safety, right?  Unfortunately, the little-known reality of the situation is far more worrisome than that. The truth is that even treated tap water often contains a … Read more

11 Top Health (and Skin) Benefits of Resveratrol

health benefits of resveratrol

Resveratrol is a powerful plant compound that many people have heard of — mostly in association with grapes and red wine. It has become well-known for promoting heart health, but you may be surprised at the number of other health-boosting benefits resveratrol has. It supports your body from the inside out (like many plant compounds … Read more