18 Worst Habits That Make Your Skin Look Older report cover

RIGHT NOW: Many, if not most, people today look far older than they ought to. However, the GREAT NEWS is that your skin is incredibly receptive to the right changes. Discover those proven best changes in this new report, which you are getting completely FREE when you join our popular Living Your Best Life Facebook group.

The Ultimate Healthy Aging

and Longevity Summit

What largely unknown natural health steps are so powerful – to look and feel your best, avoid and overcome disease, and live long – that today’s most respected longevity experts make certain to take those steps themselves?

foods that trigger a migraine

12 Foods and Food Additives That Trigger Migraines

Migraines and other types of headaches are frustrating, to say the least. Symptoms can range from a mild ache to severe, throbbing pain and may also include nausea, fatigue, and light or sound sensitivity. There is no single cause for headaches or migraines, but they are often brought on by some kind of trigger. Triggers

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health benefits of household chores

Surprising Health Benefits of 8 Household Chores

Household chores are often a dreaded task, but recent research has revealed that they may be an important part of staying healthy. In fact, spending 30 minutes a day doing chores that get you active could cut your risk of dying from any cause by 28%. Even chores that aren’t as physically demanding have other

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urine color meaning

Urine Color Meaning: What it Reveals About Your Health

Urine isn’t normally a topic discussed in casual conversation, but it can be an important indicator of your overall health. In some cases, urine color even serves as one of the first warning signs that something is wrong. Changes to the color of your urine aren’t necessarily reason to panic— especially if they are short-lived—

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health benefits of beets

8 Fantastic Health Benefits of Beets

Whether you love or despise their flavor — and people tend to be firmly in one camp or the other — the health benefits of beets are truly outstanding. These deeply colored root vegetables are packed full of nutrients, antioxidants, and plant compounds that are incredibly beneficial for human health. They are one of the

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dangers of pesticides in foods

The Very Real Dangers of Pesticides + Top 12 Foods to Buy Organic

Imagine that you’re doing everything you can to eat healthy, including filling your diet with a variety of plant foods. But unknown to you, there are microscopic compounds hiding on what you eat, sabotaging your health on a daily basis. This is a picture of the impact pesticides in foods can have on you and

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This information is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.

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