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Surprising Health Benefits of 8 Household Chores

Household chores are often a dreaded task, but recent research has revealed that they may be an important part of staying healthy.

In fact, spending 30 minutes a day doing chores that get you active could cut your risk of dying from any cause by 28%. Even chores that aren’t as physically demanding have other benefits for your mind and body.

Here’s a look at why you might want to volunteer for more housework instead of avoiding it and which chores have the biggest impact on your health.

Household Chores Can Help You Live Longer

One of the biggest reasons doing everyday chores can boost your health is because they get you up and moving.

You may have recently heard this phrase: “Sitting is the new smoking.”

This idea comes from research on the detrimental effects a sedentary lifestyle — mainly too much sitting — can have on your health.

Researchers still aren’t sure why, but this habit of prolonged sitting increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and other diseases. It can also increase pain in your body because muscles and joints stiffen with inactivity.

There are many reasons why people are sitting for much longer periods than they used to, but changes in job type are a big factor.

Work used to center more around physical labor, and workers were kept on their feet for much of the day. Now, many more people are sitting in front of computers to do their work and often go home to sit down and stare at another screen.

Where Chores Come In

A large international study has shed some light on how activities like performing simple household chores can reverse some of the negative effects of sedentary living.

It involved over 130,000 people from 17 different countries. The idea of the study was to build off of previous research that documented how leisure-time physical activity was able cut the risk of heart disease and death.

The previous results were from high-income countries where many people are able to participate in leisure-time activity. However, this largely didn’t apply to middle- and low-income countries where people are much less likely to be involved in leisure activities.

With this in mind, researchers decided to take into account any type of physical activity: exercising at a gym, having a physically demanding job, doing chores around the house, etc.

The results were clear. Doing any type of activity for 30 minutes each day was enough to reduce the risk of heart disease by 20% and the risk of death from any cause by 28%. It didn’t matter whether the activity was an intense workout at the gym or vacuuming the floor.

Given the fact that 1 in 4 people worldwide (and nearly 3 in 4 in countries like Canada) don’t get enough activity each day, setting aside 30 minutes to complete housework that needs done anyway could be your ticket to a longer life.

Health Benefits of Specific Household Chores

Obviously, any chore that gets you physically active is good for your health and longevity. However, research has pinpointed some specific chores that may be especially good for you.

Here’s a look at what they are and what benefit you can expect.

#1- Make Your Bed to Increase Productivity

Making the bed may seem like a small task, but it can set you up to have a more productive day.

This seemingly insignificant habit has been made much of by bestselling authors like Charles Duhigg and William H. McCraven. Both place emphasis on how this morning chore sets you up to accomplish more throughout the day.

The idea is that the small sense of accomplishment you get from tidying your bed sends a feel-good signal to your brain that encourages more productivity.

A poll conducted by Best Mattress Brand reveals more details about bed-making and a better day. Of the 1000 people surveyed, 82% of bed-makers said completing this small task made them more productive throughout the day. They were also 25% more likely to feel accomplished at the end of the day than non-bed makers.

Interestingly, bed-makers were more likely to be very productive at work as well.

If that doesn’t have you convinced, a poll from the National Sleep Foundation found that making the bed meant a 19% better chance of sleeping well at night. Not bad for a simple, quick chore!

#2- Tidy the Kitchen for Better Weight Loss

Clutter, especially in the kitchen, appears to be connected to a greater risk of being overweight. If you’ve ever struggled with your weight, putting a clean kitchen at the top of your list of household chores could make a bigger difference than you think.

Research for this connection is cited in a book by Peter Walsh: Lose Clutter, Lose Weight.

Part of the premise for his book is a study showing that people living in extreme clutter are 77% more likely to be overweight. The exact reason for this is still to be determined, but there are two likely theories.

The first is that living in a cluttered environment induces stress, which in turn can trigger stress-induced eating. A study from 2010 indicated that women who perceived their homes as being cluttered had increased levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) throughout the day.

Another possible factor is that an untidy kitchen can make it more difficult to plan healthy meals that support weight loss. Organization makes good eating habits and losing weight easier to achieve.

#3- Mindfully Wash Dishes to Lower Anxiety

Dishwashers save you time, effort, and perhaps a dislike of washing dishes by hand. However, you may be missing out on some stress relief by allowing a machine to do this chore for you.

A study from Florida State University found that washing dishes can calm your mind and relieve stressful feelings.

There’s just one catch- you have to wash your dishes mindfully. This means focusing on what you’re doing- the smell of the dish soap, the warmth of the water, etc.- instead of just rushing to get the task done.

Participants in the study who practiced this type of mindfulness not only experienced decreased nervousness, they also had increased mental inspiration after completing the task.

So even if washing dishes isn’t one of your favorite households chores, focusing on what you’re doing as you wash them can actually be a stress-reliever at the end of a long day.

#4- Tend a Garden to Reduce Depression and Relieve Stress

There’s a lot of research showing that gardening has many positive effects. For many people, it’s an enjoyable hobby rather than a chore. But even if you don’t find tending a garden all that fun, it can still be good for your health.

In studies, one of the biggest therapeutic benefits of gardening is a reduction in symptoms of depression.

A 12-week study from Norway explored whether 6 hours of gardening each week could help participants with different forms of depression. The results were very positive. Depression severity declined significantly and overall symptoms improved. This improvement even lasted for months after the study ended!

Of course, you don’t have to suffer from depression to get healthier by gardening.

Other research shows that working in a garden has benefits for overall health and specifically for relieving stress and anxiety. The physical work is good for your heart and for weight loss, and the soothing effects of nature are great for mental health.

The bottom line?

Even if you only plant a few vegetables or flowers, get your hands in the dirt to boost your health!

#5- Clean Up Your Yard (and House) for Better Heart Health

Yard work is one of those household chores that can boost your heart health and longevity by getting you moving. Even doing vigorous indoor cleaning can benefit cardiovascular health.

An in-depth study from Sweden supplies the evidence to back this up.

The study was conducted over a 12 1/2 year period and focused on seniors who were 60 years old and up. It found that routine activities like yard work, housecleaning, and DIY projects were equal to exercise for promoting heart health.

Those who regularly took part in these chores and activities (which included blackberry picking) cut their risk of having a heart attack or stroke by 30%!

And if lawn mowing is your top outdoor chore, there’s indication that freshly mown grass releases chemicals that act as stress relievers. That could be the reason why many people love the scent of a just-mowed lawn.

#6- Vacuum for a Free Cardio Workout

Not only can a good vacuum keep your home free of dust and allergens, doing a whole-house vacuuming job is an effective workout for your body.

Vacuuming works a lot of muscles in your body. You especially use your legs, arms, and core to push and pull the vacuum across the floor. Cleaning for a period of 20-30 minutes also gets your heart rate up and is a good cardio workout.

Getting your heart pumping and blood flowing doing a simple chore like vacuuming can have major benefits.

Studies show that aerobic exercise is good for heart health, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, weight loss, better sleep, and even immune health.

This means you can get clean floors, a healthier environment, and the benefits of exercise all from one task!

#7- Clean with Natural Citrus for a Mood Boost

Cleaning and dusting aren’t fun household chores for most people, but you can make them better by using a citrus-scented cleanser.

The smell of citrus can be a powerful mood-lifter and may also lower anxiety. As the popularity of aromatherapy has increased, so has the research on which scents affect mood the most. So far, citrus is showing itself to be one of the best anti-stress fragrances.

In one study, lemon oil was found to be better at relieving stress than either lavender or rose oil. It demonstrated potential anti-anxiety, antidepressant, and anti-stress properties.

Orange, bergamot, and the Japanese citrus fruit yuzu have also all demonstrated similar mood-boosting and stress-lowering abilities. In one fascinating study, researchers found that the scent of lemon can even make people feel better about their body image.

Of course, you’ll want to opt for a natural citrus cleaner to avoid spraying harmful chemicals in your home. Then, try to relax as you clean and let yourself be uplifted by the fragrance!

#8- Cook from Scratch for Better Health (And Less Stress)

For some, cooking is very enjoyable, although for others it’s just a daily chore. But even if you fall into the second category, cooking regularly can have some serious benefits for your health.

The most obvious benefit is that the more you cook from scratch, the less processed food you’ll end up eating. Processed food is often short on nutrients and can hide several questionable ingredients. The same goes for most fast food options.

Another less obvious benefit is that cooking can lower stress levels.

Research has shown that any type of creativity lowers stress and benefits overall health. This certainly includes making food. Planning a recipe, chopping produce, adding seasoning, making adjustments- these are all part of the creative process of cooking.

So go ahead and try some new recipes, and enjoy the creativity of cooking while you’re at it!

Share Household Chores for Even More Benefits

benefits of sharing household chores

Most of us regard chores as annoying tasks to get done, but the evidence shows they are actually good for us. There’s also good indication that you can get more benefits by sharing the load.

For example, a few studies have shown that dividing housework evenly between spouses or partners leads to a better sex life. A perceived equity of housework can also improve marital happiness.

If you have children, research shows that giving them regular chores has several benefits.

It may be a difficult task to get them to happily complete their chores but, nevertheless, doing housework and other tasks can give them higher self-esteem, make them more responsible, and enable them to better deal with frustration and delayed gratification. All of this usually translates to better success in school as well.

It’s fair to say that household chores shouldn’t be looked down on anymore. In fact, it might be time to embrace your to-do list to better your health, and get your family involved as well!

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80 thoughts on “Surprising Health Benefits of 8 Household Chores”

    • I feel less stressful and better when I take care of my house and my backyard. I like putting more flowers and showerIng my plants. It is helping a lot in this difficult time to have and enjoy a clean, appealing environment and find a fresh bed to relax after a long day. It is a spiritual goodness to creating your heavenly journey by eliminating all the negative junk. Have a good day.

      • You said it, Ginette!! Your words, plus reading this good article, are motivating me to spend more time & effort cleaning my house and tending my many house plants, as well as my flower, herb and vegetable garden!!
        Thank you for the inspiration.

    • Great article. I find that when things become cluttered in my home, I get anxious and don’t feel well…but when I tidy up and have everything organized it transfers into me feeling good.

    • Deepak Chopra mentioned much of this in his 1993 book ” Ageless Body, Timeless Mind”. I always hoped we could put housework into a better category of work and thanks to you we have.
      Gyms have their place for sports athletes but I`d rather see that energy put into more productive aspects of life in the home and community.

      • Nanette, YES. I am super healthy at 81. I do not DRIVE to a gym and pay to work out. I do all my own housekeeping and most repairs. I take care of my yard and garden (except mowing the lawn). Hanging my laundry on the outdoors clothesline is a great stretching exercise and saves me money. My sheets look and feel as though they have been ironed.

      • Agreed. At 75, I’m a heckuva lot healthier than friends and neighbors who have housekeepers and gardeners. Not sure about folks who regularly go to the gym, but that’s not me: I prefer a brisk 2.5-mile walk around the neighborhood for the sunshine and to see what other gardeners are doing with their landscaping. I believe hauling big bags of mulch and soil give me both physical exercise and stress relief as I help my gardens grow.

    • I have been doing this for years and that is why I cannot live on a full time basis, with anyone!

  1. Thank you! I do my own household chores… that fellow Jung always said it was good for is. Now you have confirmed it!!

  2. Nothing really new (at least for me) but this was very well written and nicely presented.
    I’d like to go into greater detail but I haven’t made my bed yet –
    and last night’s dishes are still awaiting my attention!
    OK, here’s a clever thought:
    “It’s not what I KNOW that improves my life,
    it’s what I DO with this knowledge!”
    Thank you for this excellent reminder!

  3. Just like housework, this article was more interesting than I anticipated and I’ll use the suggestion of lemon oil more frequently. The mindfulness and relaxation are really good suggestions, and I sure wouldn’t have connected making my bed with that much benefit.

    • Spot on with your partner equally sharing with household duties. It does improve marital happiness and also appreciation

      • I may be unique, but I find doing chores together highly stimulating….I’m guessing I feel more bonded and that creates physical desire? No idea.

  4. I did like your article on Household Chores…….makes me feel better about accomplishing these tasks I do put off sometimes and knowing that my outside chores are beneficial too!!

    Thank you.

  5. Excellent article. I had expected as much but it’s great to have the supporting research. Thanks!

  6. Thank You for this wonderful information. I truly believe that household chores do indeed help our health. I enjoy doing my household chores each and everyday. They truly motivate my mind, and my emotional state as well. To your health as well.

  7. Thank you for this. We’re just a couple weeks into spring, and this is excellent motivation – it makes me feel much better about doing the things that are good for my home and good for me.

  8. Thank you for this newsletter. My cat just passed from pancreatic cancer suddenly after a week of being sick. I’m washing dishes and doing the chores to help me to pass this time while I try to recover into normal life

    • wishing u many good blessings to heal from your loss. i know it can be hard to find your wholeness after losing a loved one. may God bless you, fusako.

    • Hugs and prayers for God’s comfort to you in the passing of your cat. Yes I’m reading this (great article) three months later, but i know that with my grief for my beloved cat having passed a year ago, any good supportive ideas like the ones here, can continue to help. God bless you❤️

      • God bless you Jude ❣️ ❣️ ❣️ Displays of compassion always touch me in this world of growing animosity & negative aggressiveness. Our Lord expects His people to respect each other, 🙏 for those around us AND those in foreign lands. For those who know their Almighty God, they know Prayer is Powerful. I can personally attest to prayer as very powerful in my own life🙌

    • 😊 I agree! (The dishwasher vs hand-washing dishes has been a slightly-contentious topic in our household. 😉

  9. I work at home and sit at a computer, but I make a point to get up and move at least every hour. Cleaning up something is my go-to for moving more.
    Great ideas in the article!

  10. People often ask me..how do I stay in shape..my answer is always the same..I wash my windows and vacuum alit!!

  11. Thank you for the info. I will try to do more housecleaning & less jigsaw puzzles. I do get a walk or two each day for 1/2 hr or more in nature. The puzzles are good for my brain but the body needs stimulation too. Thanks again💗.

  12. Thank you, Brian, for a well-written article. It is good to know that many of the things I do are of proven benefit. As always, your writing style adds a nice element to the info you present!!

  13. Excellent and well-rounded article!! I appreciated your inclusion of gardening and cooking, as they can be creative as well as healthful activities! Being an older adult with ADHD, I often have a tough time with motivation, both to get started on cleaning, doing laundry & dishes, and then sometimes to stop in time to get supper on the table before midnight!! I do enjoy birding, nature hikes, yoga and many types of social dancing, such as Int’l. Folk and Scottish Country, as well as Singing (chorale, choir, & sea chanteys!), so I am not inclined to be totally sedentary, but do find it hard to stop reading (books, newspaper articles, & online emails such as this one!) and shift gears!! Thank you for all that you do.


  15. Thank you for this article. I am 81 and have several physical injuries so I have to sit a lot. I was happy to read that the things I am already doing are so helpful to my health. I always make my bed, prepare my own meals, look after my pot plants, do my own washing and dishes and prepare all my own food so I can now enjoy sitting with a clear conscience. As I live in a rural area I also try to have a short walk each day. I will now do my chores with more satisfaction.

  16. Lemon juice is the most powerful antiseptic known to man. We use it to keep our bread board clean and to keep germs out of our throats.
    My wife makes the bed early every day .We have been together for 34 years for most of those years I made breakfast while she made the bed. We avoided discussions of who was going to do which and that was one of the keys to our marriage’s longevity.

    • Swapping those chores with each other could make an interesting twist in your lifelong marriage! A nice change up for you both, just sayin’.

  17. Thank you for this interesting article; not all of the information is new to me, but it is always good to be reminded. I motivate myself each day by writing in my diary the schedule for the day, starting with exercise, then prayers, breakfast and mental exercises (sudoku or find the word puzzles), then proceed to my jobs list, starting with making my bed. I find satisfaction in ticking off my completed jobs, though sometimes I set myself too many, as I allow myself reading time while I eat lunch and I become engrossed in whatever I am reading. Whatever is not completed is included in the schedule for the next day.

  18. I always feel very satisfied after I have cleaned and straightened up the house. It is nice to know that it is not only mentally good for you, but physically as well.

    Thank you for this article.

  19. There is a lot to this article, and it validates so much for me. I also find it striking further inspiration! Thank you for this (and I rarely comment on articles!!!).

  20. Much Gratitude for all the comments above and this superbly written article! I tend to be perfectionist and must let go of some things… this being said, I do feel the physical, emotional and even the spiritual gains from cleaning the clutter and loving the space I am called to tend. I am a gym gal and I now really like the idea of getting benefits from simply tending my space at home (since going to the gym has not been an option for a long while due to Covid).
    Thank you for the inspiration!

  21. This is me, pretty much of the time. Since I’m retired and have a lot of time, I like to cook from-
    scratch with fresh vegetables etc., house chores, and I just love to play with my fruit trees and other gardening chores in the great outdoor. ( Great article Brien. Thank you)

  22. i appreciate this well-thot out info re: common life we nearly all have a part of. somehow, this article and all the comments added to my sense that we are all one. the unity of all beings–even the plants and critters who we love. thanks, brian. u are a dear heart.

  23. I just wanted to say thank you! I’m doing all of these suggestions just about every day and I’m overjoyed to know that they are not only keeping me sane but healthy as well 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟💙

  24. Great inspiration! Interesting that such a simple thing as making the bed in the morning can be a positve start for day and also feels good when go to bed at night. Always make mine when get up will now be more mineful. Thank for so many of the other useful tips and insights.

  25. Excellent article, thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading it. Now if I can just get myself into the practice of doing these.

  26. The blanket on my bed replicates Life. Four words describe tabby weave; up, down, under, over. We encounter them in our daily lives. The blanket’s purpose is to give comfort and warmth. it never shirks its duty, teaching good work ethics. It can only perform belonging to someone, Value FAMILY.
    Home is where the pots and the pans are. It helped our family to settle in a new country. The aroma of food cooking draws everyone to the kitchen where family bonds are strengthened and support is given where needed.
    The garden is God’s cathedral, giving spiritual guidance if we open our eyes to it. In nature answers to most problems can be found. Thank you, Brian, for confirming all of this.

  27. Nesting – home-cleaning is good for the soul.
    Actually, Un-make your beds each morning.
    This AIRS the mattress, so it cools the bedding and thus reduces dust-mites breeding time.
    Just neatly fold all covers to foot of bed.

    Then re-make each bed at the start of night-routine.
    Double the benefit.

    • I enjoyed this article but thought also about the benefits of airing the bed before making it. At least 10 minutes with the window open and the bedding turned down to the bottom of the bed is a good practice. Then make the bed to get that neat feeling.

      • My Grandma insisted on airing the bed and pillows every day! She said it was to mitigate TB – practices of old for health but still useful!

      • I agree about airing out the bed. I always wait until just before I leave for work to give my bed a good hour or so to air out. I would never leave it unmade all day, tho for fear of spiders in the sheets!!

  28. Don’t normally comment but I quite enjoyed reading this and agree with it all. Reminds me to be more mindful when doing these chores and motivates me to focus more on managing clutter. Thank you for the well written article!

  29. Thanks for a great article! I’ve been preaching the benefits of housework all my life. I hate
    gyms – they are a fading fad. It’s close to impossible to do boring exercises. I’ ve been doing
    speed ice skating for the past 24 years – I believe speed builds muscles even better than the
    gym and I get a high, that lasts till my next workout. During non skating days I do housecleaning and I am a maniac. I wash my big windows as well every 60 days with the blinds. I wash and
    detail my car at least once a month. Nothing beats the high and the confidence I get from this
    chore – driving a sparkling car and living in a spotless apartment are immediate rewards, that
    you can never get from a gym. As a matter of fact, our ancestors never went to a gym, but they were active every single day.

  30. I loved the article. I don’t call them household chores. I call them household gifts where I get to love my stuff.

  31. Hello from Finland, cold frost! Great article, thanks, because it gave appreciation for the homework when I go health first, so proactively. I have cleaned my home almost all the weekends and do the dishes every day of my life, I am now 78 years old. Also let down every day, it has felt the right thing to do. I put food in the family every day. But then I have experienced fatigue, and there has been a need to change routines and now I am disabled at the moment, all I do is take care of myself, the man is now on a housework, cooking food and bringing it to me. I exercise with a rollator and try to rehabilitate myself on a treadmill, for example. We have a lot of stairs at home, and they became my destiny, for in them I have injured myself fatally.

  32. I love this article. I feel happier just reading it and inspired to get healthier cleaning my house and yard!

  33. Great article! It took me a while to finish reading it because I would jump up and do a bit a housework. LOL. It is warm today here in East Central Oklahoma. I was able to hang my laundry out on the clothes line. Also I had to go to town to buy horse feed. I buy ten 50 pound bags at a time. When I get home I have to move the 500 pounds out of my truck and into the feed bin. I am 60 and a widow, so it is all on me. And I am thankful I can do it! I can hardly wait until the online conference.

  34. Loved reading your article…..wish I could still do house chores. Gardening, etc. I am 82 now with a neurodegenerative disorder With. No cure or treatment. I can relate to the joy of gardening, satisfaction of a clean house, making my bed each morning, however I can no longer do those things because of balance (falling) problem. But I have had a good life and am now ready to go to my real “home” . Which I will enjoy keeping clean too.😇🥰. Love to all..

  35. I guess this could explain why people that suffer from chronic pain have more anxiety and depression, because they may tend to do less than what they used to..(?)

  36. Thank you for sharing your healthful article on ways to increase production, lesson anxiety, depression, elevate mood, & boost heart health. It’s really a “fun” article because it causes on to chuckle when they get to work for benefits.

  37. ~what can ~I say an absolutely brilliant article. ~~I am going to inform all my clents who suffer from depression, anxiey etc. ~~It gave me such a boost reading it.!

  38. Thank you for this article 🙂 I smiled the whole way through. I do most of these chores already, and really enjoy the feeling of living in a clean, tidy space, but I always say how much I dislike housework. Your article made me realize that I really don’t! I sometimes feel a bit lazy, but that doesn’t translate into a messy space. I make a plan 🙂

  39. I am almost 80 yrs old and still doing all my own chores, since having a family of 5 and no
    dishwasher….Only in the last year with renovations to the kitchen, we now have one for
    the two of us remaining…I now see what I was missing time wise !! though, when young I
    considered washing the dishes by hand, therapeutic..!!
    When our kids were in school, I cleaned other homes, giving up my office job, so that I
    can be home with my children, my first duty….so always felt I was being paid to keep fit…!!!
    I am reaping the benefits….Thanks be to God and thank you for your timely article….

  40. Where are (any) commenting men?! I see almost none.

    If my observation is correct, there is some inference to be drawn.

    Yes, doing chores builds both character and health.

  41. Really interesting to read this information – thanks. It inspires me to start timing all my housework jobs and make a weekly timetable. I am trying to make time for writing. I find a bullet journal useful. I do all the jobs you cite – and am also in the process of a massive de-cluttering of my life (now 71) as I intend moving to a smaller house. Hoovering floors is top of my list for immediate effect – and clearing worktops + kitchen & bathroom. Washing up and ironing are soothing. I love designing gardens – and cutting the grass circle and grass paths is an enjoyable way to restore order in the same way as hoovering. Now there is harvesting – making jam and chutney from the fruit garden + harvesting hazel nuts…. now off to bring in the washing and water plants. How I long for rain.

  42. There are not many comments that having a strong spousal companionship leads to a sharing of chores, but also bonds the sexual relationship, which leads to a mental relaxation. AND, there are definitely good physical actions as well. And a neatly made bed enhances the pleasures.

  43. When my husband was not at work, we usually did chores together. Always took a little longer because we couldn’t pass each other in the kitchen, hallway or wherever without playing around a bit. (Our favorite game was pocket pool!). He has gone on to be with Jesus and I know they are having chuckles about our shenanigans, and what delicious memories I am blessed with!


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