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7 Benefits of Consuming Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

If you’ve never heard of amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, you’re not alone. However, this small, tart fruit from southeast Asia has been cherished in Ayurvedic medicine for eons. In more recent years, it has been gaining mass attention from nutrition experts and researchers alike, and for good reason.  

Amla is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can benefit nearly every part of your body—including blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and more.  

In fact, studies show that amla may work as effectively as many of the pharmaceutical medications that are commonly prescribed for a variety of health conditions, and without any harmful side effects. So, it’s no surprise that this potent fruit is gaining a ton of attention from people who want to naturally improve their health. 

What Is Amla? A Powerful Superfruit 

indian gooseberry Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) is a small green fruit known for its tangy, sour, bitter, and astringent flavor. It’s not exactly a delight to eat fresh, but some do cook, pickle, dry, or candy it in a sweet syrup. 

One of amla’s standout features is its very high antioxidant content. For example, just a half cup of amla berries provides over two times the recommended daily intake of the important antioxidant commonly known as vitamin C (that’s about 20 times the amount of vitamin C found in oranges).

Just a few of the other standout antioxidants in amla include gallic acid and various phenolic compounds, such as ellagic acid and flavonoids, all of which contribute to its incredible health benefits below. 

  1. Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

To keep your blood sugar levels where they should be, you want your cells to be sensitive to insulin. This means they unlock as they should, allowing the sugar from the foods you eat to enter your cells, where it’s used for energy, instead of building up in your bloodstream. 

Amla contains powerful antioxidants that help to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in your body, which may otherwise lead to insulin resistance.

In one study, scientists looked at the effects of taking one to three grams of amla powder daily compared to Glimepiride, a common diabetes medication. The results? After just 21 days, daily amla consumption significantly lowered blood glucose levels. Even more surprisingly, just a one-gram dose was as effective as Glimepiride. 

Plus, amla is rich in dietary fiber, which helps to slow the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream and prevents post-meal blood sugar spikes. 

  1. Healthy Cholesterol Levels

One of the biggest causes of heart disease is the oxidation of “bad” LDL cholesterol. It can build up in your blood vessels, creating plaque that keeps your blood from flowing as it should.  

Amla’s potent antioxidants may help to neutralize the harmful free radicals that can cause your LDL cholesterol to oxidize. Plus, amla can even help reduce the inflammation that increases the likelihood of your cholesterol from oxidizing in the first place.  

In one study, researchers found that amla juice, which is rich in antioxidant polyphenols, reduced the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, limiting its uptake by an impressive 90%. 

However, amla’s positive impact on your cholesterol doesn’t end there. It can also help to lower your total cholesterol and triglyceride levels while also boosting your “good” HDL cholesterol.  

The dietary fiber in amla comes into play again by helping to reduce cholesterol absorption in your intestines by attaching itself to cholesterol and bile acids, helping to eliminate them from your body.  

  1. Healthy Blood Pressure

blood pressure

Supporting healthy cholesterol levels isn’t the only heart-healthy benefit of this superfood. Amla is also one of nature’s most powerful ways to promote healthy blood pressure.  

Its potent antioxidants play an important role in fighting oxidative stress and inflammation in your vascular system. It does that by supporting endothelial function, the inner lining of your blood vessels, helping your blood vessels to relax, which is key for healthy blood pressure. 

The nutrients in amla also support the production of nitric oxide, a compound that may help relax and widen your blood vessels. This process, known as vasodilation, improves blood flow and lowers resistance, helping to keep your blood pressure in check. 

  1. Digestive Health

If you’re struggling with digestive issues, amla may be just what you need. One of its key benefits is its ability to stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes that help to break down food efficiently so your body can absorb and use the nutrients more effectively. 

Amla’s high fiber content also promotes regular bowel movements and may help keep constipation at bay. Plus, it’s a potent weapon against gas and bloating. By helping to relax the muscles of your gastrointestinal tract, amla can be a useful natural aid in helping to remove trapped gas and easing stomach aches.   

  1. Weight Management

weight managementAmla can be a great addition to your diet if you are trying to manage your weight. Its high fiber content can help you feel full for longer periods, which can reduce cravings and limit snacking between meals. The fiber in amla can also support digestion and gut health, which is linked to a more efficient metabolism, aiding in weight loss. 

Plus, amla’s high levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants may also help to enhance metabolic activity by helping to regulate blood sugar levels, reducing insulin spikes that can lead to fat storage. 

  1. Anti-Inflammatory

Chronic inflammation has been linked to a variety of health issues, including arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and even certain types of cancer.  

The compounds found in amla, such as vitamin C, tannins, and flavonoids, work together to combat inflammation in the body. These antioxidants help to neutralize harmful free radicals that can contribute to inflammation

In fact, science suggests consuming amla regularly may help to reduce levels of inflammatory markers in the body, leading to less pain with conditions like arthritis. Amla may also help to limit some of the long-term effects of chronic inflammation, promoting heart health and potentially lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  

  1. Mood and Cognitive Function

Amla isn’t just a powerhouse for your physical health, as it can also help your mental wellbeing. Research shows the antioxidants in amla, such as vitamin C and polyphenols, may help to reduce oxidative stress in the brain, making you feel calmer and more balanced. 

Plus, it’s believed that amla helps to enhance cognitive function and memory by promoting healthy blood circulation to the brain, which ensures it receives the necessary nutrients and oxygen to function at its best. In fact, one study suggests it may even help to mitigate Alzheimer’s Disease

How to Add Amla to Your Diet 

Now that you know about the many benefits of amla, you may be wondering how to add this superfruit to your diet.  

Here are some delicious and easy ways to enjoy amla. Note that, as with all produce, it is highly recommended that you look for USDA Certified Organic amla to avoid consuming pesticides and other toxicants: 

  • Fresh Amla: Yes, you can eat amla raw for a quick health boost, although its tart flavor is unpleasant to many people. You can also mix it into yogurt or add it to your oatmeal. 
  • Smoothies: If you’re making smoothies or fresh juice, amla blends well with carrots and apples for a delicious, refreshing drink.  
  • Amla Chutney: You can make a tasty chutney by blending amla with spices and herbs, such as coriander, ginger, cumin, and more.  
  • Added to Your Favorite Dishes: Amla can be a flavorful addition to your favorite recipes. For example, you can mix grated amla, onions, chilies, mustard seeds, cumin, salt, and pepper into freshly cooked rice for a tasty side dish.  

Enjoy Delicious Amla Coffee and Tea 

Amla GreenStudies show that getting a regular daily dose of amla is the key to seeing its amazing health benefits, including in areas such as your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and more. However, finding amla in most grocery stores can be a challenge, which is where Amla Green can help.  

Amla Green’s 100% organic amla-infused coffees and teas are a delicious and easy way to get your daily dose of amla. These smooth, flavorful beverages contain highly concentrated organic amla berry powder combined with other powerful medicinal plants, such as oolong tea, hibiscus, elderberries, mint, ginger, cinnamon, and arabica coffee beans. 

So, whether you want to kickstart your day with renewed energy and focus, enjoy a calming midday break without the caffeine jitters, or wind down with a caffeine-free tea before bedtime, Amla Green has you covered. 

Many people notice enhanced energy and well-being within just two weeks of incorporating Amla Green into their routine. With consistent use, you may also see in blood pressure, fasting blood sugar levels, and improvements in overall cholesterol profiles (total, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides).  

Look into Amla Green right here and discover how to sip your way to better health! 

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