The 5 Top Benefits of Aloe Vera – A Health and Anti-Aging Natural Wonder

benefits of aloe vera

The benefits of aloe vera were once more widely known than they are today. You see, six thousand years ago, the ancient Egyptians regarded aloe vera as a miracle plant. They used it in many ways, from treating burns to reducing fever. A few millennia later, Cleopatra herself used aloe in her daily skin treatments. … Read more

11 Top Health (and Skin) Benefits of Resveratrol

health benefits of resveratrol

Resveratrol is a powerful plant compound that many people have heard of — mostly in association with grapes and red wine. It has become well-known for promoting heart health, but you may be surprised at the number of other health-boosting benefits resveratrol has. It supports your body from the inside out (like many plant compounds … Read more

6 Surprising Benefits of Beta Glucan

Beta Glucan

There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber gets all the attention. It’s the one that stays unchanged in your digestive system, bulking up your stool so you stay regular. Soluble fiber—and in particular beta glucan—gets far less recognition. Yet, this critical substance, which is found in foods like barley, rye, oats, … Read more

12 Best Foods to Help You Sleep Better

best foods for sleep

Good quality sleep is needed for good health. Not only does it keep you alert and focused while you’re awake, your body needs this critical rest period to heal itself. The magic sleep number for adults is between 7-9 hours each night. Unfortunately, research on sleep patterns indicates that not only are many adults not … Read more

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