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The Top 10 Natural Allergy Remedies

Here’s the nicest way of putting it: allergies suck.

Those who suffer the symptoms of allergies often use even less sophisticated words to describe it than that.

The good news is, there are naturally allergy remedies that can help.

This article is focused on natural remedies that can help seasonal allergies in particular.

One in five people suffer seasonal allergies, and this is the time of year here in the Western world when many of those seasonal allergies kick into their nasty high gear.

These natural remedies won’t necessarily cure the underlying problem, but they can provide the fast, safe, and powerful relief you (desperately) need.


What causes allergies?

Allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to otherwise unharmful particles, such as dust and pollen.

When the body encounters these particles, the immune system releases histamines to attack the foreign substances.

Your runny or stuffed nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and other allergy symptoms are a consequence of this histamine release.


10 Top Natural Allergy Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

While the following natural allergy remedies can work wonders for many, some may have reactions to these (or any) natural substances.

Whenever you put anything new into or onto your body, please do so carefully. It can be smart to start out with a dose much smaller than the typical recommendation. This way you can minimize any potentially negative effects.


1) Apple Cider Vinegar

natural allergy remedies apple cider vinegarRaw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar helps fight allergies thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Allergic reactions create inflammation in the body. Therefore, apple cider vinegar can be an effective natural allergy remedy by reducing inflammation and minimizing the symptoms associated with histamine release.

Apple cider vinegar is also a beneficial probiotic, which can help improve the overall function of your immune system to further alleviate allergy symptoms.

Apple cider vinegar can also help the body to improve blood sugar levels, increase the good cholesterol levels in the blood, and aid in natural fat-loss. Stock up on this wonder-tonic and reap the endless benefits!

Choose a raw and organic variety such as this popular USDA Certified brand.

How to use apple cider vinegar for natural allergy relief:

Mix 1 Tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water. Drink this mixture twice a day – once in the morning, and once in the evening.

It is best to drink after a meal to minimize the chance of any heart burn associated with the acidity. You can alter the amount of water depending on how you tolerate the vinegar taste and acidity.

If it burns your stomach, try a greater dilution, or drink smaller amounts at a time with food.


2) Raw Local Honey

raw honey allergy relieverWhen you eat raw honey from your region, you are likely consuming local pollen. It is believed that this can lead to an immune tolerance for the pollen in your area. Therefore, when you breathe in the allergen, you will have less of a reaction, due to an increased immunity.

Unfortunately, there are some individuals who have allergic reactions to honey, so be aware of this possibility.

To find a honey producer in your area, visit farm markets or local stores, or try this local honey finder.

How much honey do you use for natural allergy relief?

When using raw honey as a natural allergy remedy, there are no scientific guidelines when it comes to dosage.

A good idea is to add it to your normal meals in place of other sugary foods. For example, you can spread it on toast instead of jelly, add it to a smoothie, or use it to sweeten lemonade.


3) Neti-Pot Rinse

net pot allergy reliefA Neti-pot is a small kettle that is used to pour salt water into your nostrils to rinse the sinuses.

Rinsing the nasal passages is a method that has been used as a natural allergy remedy for thousands of years.

Giving the nasal passages a saline rinse is thought to help remove old thick mucus and trapped allergens.

It may seem odd and uncomfortable to pour salt water into your nose, but a Neti-pot like this certified lead-free Neti pot kit can be an inexpensive and effective natural allergy remedy.

In addition to being beneficial for allergies, a Neti-pot can also help treat sinus infections and colds.

Tips for using a Neti-pot for a natural allergy remedy:

  • Always use as directed.
  • Never use tap water. Only use distilled water. If you must use tap water, boil it for 5 minutes and allow it to cool to a lukewarm temperature before use. Tap water contains microorganisms that are easily killed in our stomachs when we drink tap water, but they can lead to deadly infections when they come into contact with our delicate nasal passages.
  • Clean and dry the Neti-pot after each use.


4) Eucalyptus Oil

organic eucalyptus essential oilEucalyptus oil can help clear your sinuses when allergy symptoms strike. It opens up the airways and creates a refreshing cooling effect. It can also help remove unfriendly particles from the body that are causing allergies.

Eucalyptus oil is a useful natural allergy remedy that makes breathing easier.

Organixx makes a top-quality line of essential oils, including this USDA Certified Organic Eucalyptus Essential Oil.

How to use eucalyptus oil for natural allergy relief:

To use eucalyptus oil for allergy relief, add 5 drops to a diffuser. If you do not have a diffuser, add 2 drops to a cup of boiling water, cover your eyes with a towel, and breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes. It can also be diluted with a carrier oil and massaged onto the chest and temples to further help open airways and relieve allergy symptoms.


5) Frankincense Oil

Frankincense oil can help minimize inflammation, and therefore alleviate allergies naturally. The allergic response leads to uncomfortably inflamed nasal passages and airways.

frankincense essential oilReducing inflammation with frankincense oil can be an effective natural allergy remedy. It also helps to improve circulation, which can further ease allergy symptoms.

Frankincense oil also has other health benefits. It’s anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate arthritis symptoms and joint pain. It has also been suggested to improve digestive function, especially in those with Crohn’s disease.

Certain acids in frankincense oil are also thought to help stop the spread of cancerous cells.

There are many benefits to this ancient tree resin that make it worthwhile to have in your natural medicine cabinet.

If you’re seeking a high-quality frankincense oil, check out this USDA Certified Organic Frankincense Essential Oil from Organixx.

How to use frankincense oil as a natural allergy remedy:

To relive sinus headaches, massage a drop of frankincense oil with a bit of a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, onto temples. For allergy relief, place frankincense oil into a diffuser. If you do not have a diffuser, place a few drops over a bowl of boiled water, cover your eyes with a towel, and breathe in the steam for 5 minutes.


6) Lavender Oil

lavender natural relief for allergiesLavender oil is known as an antihistamine, which means it blocks the natural release of histamines when exposed to allergens that cause sneezing, runny noses, and itchy watery eyes.

It also helps reduce inflammation that leads to discomfort, and often misery, when allergies strike.

Lavender oil has a variety of other benefits as well, including relief from dandruff, cold sores, dry skin, nose bleeds, and nausea. It also promotes better sleep and relaxation. There are many reasons to add lavender oil to your daily routine!

Check out Organixx’ USDA Certified Organic Lavender Essential Oil here.

How to use lavender oil as a natural allergy remedy:

Put a drop of lavender oil on your palm, rub it around, cup your hands near your nose and breathe deeply. Inhaling the lavender oil should help to relieve sudden allergies. You can also put it into a diffuser for natural allergy prevention and continuous relief.


7) Lemon Oil

lemon natural allergy remedies

Lemon is widely known as a detoxifying plant. Many health conscious individuals squeeze it into their water daily to the health benefits and flavor.

Did you know it is also great for allergies?

Lemon oil contains high levels of antioxidants to help combat disease and minimize inflammation. When allergens enter your airways, the allergic reaction starts – airways become inflamed, and the attempt to rid the body of the allergen starts. This is why eyes get watery, noses run, and the sneezing doesn’t stop.

Lemon oil helps to alleviate symptoms upon contact.

Here is Organixx’ USDA Certified Organic Lemon Essential Oil.

How to use lemon oil as a natural allergy remedy:

Place lemon oil into a diffuser to relieve seasonal allergy symptoms naturally. To alleviate a scratchy throat or cough, mix 5 drops of lemon oil with a half teaspoon of a carrier oil, like coconut oil, and rub onto the neck and chest. To make a tea, mix 1-2 drops of lemon oil with hot water and honey.


Discover More About Organixx’ Full Line of
USDA Certified Organic Essential Oils Here
Including Special Blends for Relaxation and More


8) Stinging Nettle Leaf

stinging nettle for allergy relief

Stinging nettle leaf is useful for the treatment of seasonal allergies because of its antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. In other words, it helps to stop the airways from becoming swollen and itchy, and can mitigate allergy symptoms.

Stinging nettle is a common plant and can be found in many areas.

If you choose to forage for it, be sure to wear gardening gloves: the plant is called stinging nettle for a reason. It has tiny “hairs” on the bottom of the leaves that are laced with formic acid, which causes an irritating stinging sensation.

This 100% raw, USDA Certified Organic Stinging Nettle Tea is a convenient and tasty way to consume it.

While nettle is extremely useful for reducing inflammation in the airways during an allergy response, it can also help alleviate symptoms from inflammation in other areas of the body as well.

Inflammation is a general cause and/or symptom of a variety of diseases including arthritis, gingivitis, gout, and irritable bowel syndrome, to name a few.

Therefore, incorporating nettle into your diet can be an effective way to avoid many diseases.

How to use stinging nettle as a natural allergy remedy:

Nettle is available as a powder, tea, extract, and in capsule form.

It can be used when allergy symptoms pop up unexpectedly and can help relieve your itchy eyes, runny nose, and incessant sneezing in as little as 15 minutes.


9) Quercetin

Quercetin is a pigment found in some plants. It is found in many plant foods, including leafy greens, broccoli, raspberries, grapes, peppers, and red onions, garlic, and can also be found in supplement form.

raspberry natural allergy relieversQuercetin is used as a natural allergy remedy because it acts as an anti-inflammatory and a natural antihistamine.

Quercetin is thought to be more effective when combined with bromelain, which is an enzyme found in pineapple. Bromelain increases the absorption of quercetin in the intestines.

Eating a combination of pineapple and raspberries can be a delicious way to help your seasonal allergies naturally.

How much quercetin is needed to naturally relieve allergies?

Standard doses for a quercetin supplement to treat allergies naturally is 200-400mg, taken 3 times per day.


10) Probiotics

kimchi natural allergy remedies

Good immunity starts with a healthy digestive system. Probiotics are good microbes that help improve the health of your gut.

Allergies occur as an immune response to pathogens entering the airways. Probiotics are known to help improve your body’s immune system, which can theoretically reduce your response to seasonal allergies.

While more research needs to be done on probiotics and allergies, the logic is sound. Having a healthy gut improves immunity and better immunity boosts tolerance of allergens. Since probiotics promote gut health, they can also help you through allergy season.

Added benefits of probiotics include better digestion, improved urinary and vaginal health, and healthier skin.

Examples of probiotic-rich foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, and tempeh, and they can be a tasty way to stay healthy through the allergy season.

Organixx also makes an exceptional organic probiotic supplement, which includes a special fermentation process to make the ingredients more “bioavailable” to your body. You can find out more about it here.


Other Possible Natural Allergy Remedies

Another natural allergy reliever, the butterbur herb, has shown promise to help relieve allergies like hay fever, but please be cautious, as these concerns have emerged over butterbur’s safety.

Other important steps that can reduce those nasty allergy symptoms include:

  • Keep doors and windows closed during peak allergy season (unfortunately).
  • Wash your hands and shower more frequently, as pollen and other allergens easily attach to skin and hair.
  • Wash your clothes frequently.
  • Wear an N95 receptor mask, which can block up to 95% of small particles like pollen.
  • Use HEPA furnace filters. HEPA describes filters able to trap 99.97 percent of particles small as 0.3 microns.
  • Vacuum any carpets frequently, with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter to catch allergens.
  • Consider using high-quality air purifiers in your home with HEPA filtration.
  • Drink plenty of water and other healthy liquids, which thins mucus in your nasal passages to provide allergy relief.


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healthy carbohydratesAnd don’t miss the FREE report, “25 TOXIC Home Products that Cause Early Aging and Disease.”


11 thoughts on “The Top 10 Natural Allergy Remedies”

  1. This was wonderful and informative. Happy to know I have been doing a number of those items just because. Thank you

  2. Thank you for so much for this information. I have a lot of allergies and I will try each of your listed remedies. Loved it.

  3. This is a great list of natural ways to help treat allergies. I already do some of them and will add some more from the list. Thank-you!

  4. Thanks for your very helpful articles. I’m grateful too that they are printed, easily accessible and informative and i don’t have to listen through what seems like an endless video.

  5. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, including tree pollens, try MSM flakes. Methyl sulfonyl methane. No side effects, binds the foreign proteins and removes them from the body. 1 teaspoon good for 12 hours. This is the ONLY thing that works for me.

  6. Hi Brian,

    Thankyou for this informative article.

    As usual, it is written with a lot of content that is understandable, along with extra articles to compliment the subject.


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