18 Worst Habits That Make Your Skin Look Older report cover

RIGHT NOW: Many, if not most, people today look far older than they ought to. However, the GREAT NEWS is that your skin is incredibly receptive to the right changes. Discover those proven best changes in this new report, which you are getting completely FREE when you join our popular Living Your Best Life Facebook group.

Endocrine Disruptors: What They Are, Where They Are Hiding, and How You Can Avoid Them

dangers of endocrine disruptors and how to avoid them

Even though you can’t see them, endocrine disruptors are all around you. They are invisible to the naked eye yet linked to serious health problems like obesity, reproductive disorders, developmental issues, and cancer (to name a few). Awareness of these chemicals has grown drastically over the last 20-25 years. Unfortunately, the evidence coming out of … Read more

How to Choose the Best Kitchen Knives

how to choose kitchen knives

Eating plenty of whole, plant-based foods is critical for optimal health. However, that does mean you’ll be spending a lot of time in the kitchen, prepping and cooking food. There are many tools that can make healthy eating easier, but one of the most important is also one of the most basic: a good knife. … Read more

Little-Known Health Benefits of Maple Trees

benefits of maple

The thought of maple trees may conjure up an image of majestic fall color or delicious, sweet syrup. You may even picture the “helicopters” that flutter down from the branches in summer or fall. What most people don’t realize about maple trees, however, is that there are fantastic health benefits packed into the sap, leaves, … Read more

What Is Quercetin? 7 Incredible Benefits of This Powerful Antioxidant

what is quercetin? incredible health benefits

Antioxidants are powerful natural compounds with many antiaging and health-boosting properties. Quercetin is a specific antioxidant with some incredible, proven health benefits. Quercetin is likely the most well-researched antioxidant to date. Studies have revealed that it can enhance immunity and heart health, lower inflammation, and even fight cancer. Quercetin is also one of the most … Read more