Top 12 Health & Anti-Aging Benefits of Rosehips

top health benefits of rosehips

Rosehips are small, amazing “fruits” with incredible health benefits that few people know about. They come from the same plant as the beautiful rose blossoms so many love but completely outshine their counterparts when it comes to health-boosting properties. In fact, rosehips have shone in traditional medicine for hundreds (and likely thousands) of years and … Read more

How to Wash Your Face: 9 Essential Do’s and Don’ts

How to Wash Your Face

Are you truly giving your skin the care it deserves? While washing your face may seem simple enough, many people aren’t doing it properly—or worse, aren’t doing it at all! According to a survey of 1,000 adults, a staggering 60%, don’t feel knowledgeable about the right way to cleanse their faces. Even more concerning, 54% … Read more

How to Properly Exfoliate: The Top Benefits + Nature’s Best Exfoliating Ingredients

How to Properly Exfoliate

Does your skin ever feel dull and lifeless? Have you tried just about every skincare product but still aren’t seeing results? Even with a solid routine, your skin might not be getting all the nutrients it needs to look and feel its best. That’s where exfoliation comes in. Not only does exfoliating allow for better … Read more

Little-Known Health Benefits of Maple Trees

benefits of maple

The thought of maple trees may conjure up an image of majestic fall color or delicious, sweet syrup. You may even picture the “helicopters” that flutter down from the branches in summer or fall. What most people don’t realize about maple trees, however, is that there are fantastic health benefits packed into the sap, leaves, … Read more

Wonder Mushroom: The Top 10 Health Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushroom

top benefits of turkey tail mushroom

Medicinal mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to promote health and longevity. And one of the true “superstars” among the stars when it comes to mushrooms is turkey tail mushroom. This amazing mushroom is one of the most studied varieties and has some very impressive benefits for your physical wellness and your skin. … Read more

Toxic Cosmetic Ingredients: The Top 12 to Avoid (and Safe Alternatives)

Are you feeding your body toxic cosmetic ingredients by feeding them to your skin each day? Whether you lather on a sudsy face wash or moisturize with a night cream before bed — the ingredients in your cosmetics matter more than most people realize. And it’s important to first know this: cosmetics and personal care … Read more