18 Worst Habits That Make Your Skin Look Older report cover

RIGHT NOW: Many, if not most, people today look far older than they ought to. However, the GREAT NEWS is that your skin is incredibly receptive to the right changes. Discover those proven best changes in this new report, which you are getting completely FREE when you join our popular Living Your Best Life Facebook group.

The Incredible Superfood You’ve Never Heard Of: Pine Pollen

“Superfood” is a term that’s thrown around loosely today. However, here’s one that many people have not heard about (yet!) that definitely qualifies…Pine Pollen. Now, many so-called “superfoods” seem to shine in terms of a single main benefit – for example, a high vitamin C content or perhaps a rich antioxidant profile. Pine Pollen, however, … Read more

10 Health Benefits of Exercise (Plus, a Fun At-Home Workout to Boost Your Immune System)

Exercise has so many important benefits. And with people rightfully focused on protecting and building their immune systems, it’s important to remember that one of its biggest benefits is helping your immune system health. In fact, science shows even a single workout can amplify our ability to fight off germs. Researchers at the University of … Read more

Toxic Clothing: Common Health-Hazardous Fabrics and What to Choose Instead

Toxic clothing

Clothing is more than a fashion statement. It’s also a potential source of thousands of chemicals, some of which are extremely damaging to your health. Some estimates put the number of chemicals commonly used in the fashion industry at around 8,000. And unfortunately, there is not much regulation surrounding which chemicals can and can’t be … Read more